In 2009, Ulises Labaronnie and me where traveling in a motorhome-studio trough the south of Patagonia, drifting like always by the wind, dust, luck, and motivation for the unknown. We arrive to a light house in a remote coast, full of sea birds and penguins, no humans around. There was this building, we came inside, and we got stuck by the acoustic of the place, first I jump in with my saxophone to play and experience the amazing sound that happened inside. After a few moments we saw that inside the room there were some car batteries connected to solar panels on the roof, to provide energy to the light-house, so we realize that we could get electricity from the batteries, we try some connection and we got it. 220 volts for us in the middle of nowhere. So we plug inside the building all our equipments, synthesizers, computers, speakers, electric guitar, microphones etc… and we stay for two days recording, experimenting and making music just for us and for the penguins. This is a short film with the sounds and images we made in those two days.